Friday, August 6, 2010

bootcamp blues

dear diary and boot camp instructor,
i would like to have a body like jessica biel...(stop laughing..)

if you follow me on twitter, you are well aware that i have started a new exercise regimen..its called bootcamp..its barefoot inside a padded room and honestly during moments of it i think i may die. its hell...not gonna lie..its 1 hour of pain and hell, and my instructor has no qualms about yelling at you.. i get "slacker!!" a lot..the music is what keeps me going...
i have put in a ton of cash toward pilates, yoga, ect..but nothing and i mean nothing has pushed me like this..i leave with a face as red as a tomato, wet shirt, and can't even talk because i am nauseous..but he does give me a high five once i am done...and after i have relaxed and showered i am pretty proud..

so after succumbing to this total hell..he tells me that he will do his part and get me in shape and strong which amounts to 20%, but 80% of weight is all dependent on your diet...WHAAAAT..can i just say thats so annoying! i was kind of hoping this hour long class would help me drop lbs...but ohh no..i actually told him i wanted my body like jessica's and he said work out 2x a day and eat a high protien diet + veggies, no alcohol....what the heck!..she doesn't look that miserable in those pictures...

arggghhhhh why does it have to be so hard? just venting and hoping some of you can feel my pain..


Designwali said...

oh I feel your least you started your regime. Mine is still floating around in my head! great post.

Susan said...

You are brave! And gah...Jessica Biel is amazing. I think we all want that body! ;)

Claire Gibson King said...

I feel your pain!!!! I really do! And the worst of it is I don't think men have to work as hard as we do! don't give up! I am off the gym now!

Anonymous said...

Be proud of yourself! You are working-out hard and that is amazing!!!! The food thing is the easy part to tweak...there is a healthy version of almost everything decadent! Keep up the great work and know you are not alone, I am on a quest to be the fittest I can possibly be by age 40...I have 1 year and 1 month to get there!!! xoxo Kit

ps There are a ton of antioxidants in wine...just sayin ;)

Anonymous said...

Yes, I know how this all feels!!!! I think most of us women do!! May I suggest something that has really worked for me and transformed not only my body, but my life? Sounds like yoga, I know, but it is not - it is The Bar Method. Check out if there is a studio near you. Or, check out (another fantastic blog, btw) to find out more info. It has given me the ripped, but long lean dancer limbs that I have always craved and the workout is, get this, ENJOYABLE! Still difficult, but I actually look forward to going. Good luck!

rikshaw design said... makeme laugh! you shoudl hear the swirling thoughts of going to the evening class and not the morning one as i type this...but i am going..i must! i will survive!

claire...yes you are correct men have it WAY easier..

kit..way to go on your goal..i am inspired!

Heather Feemster said...

It will all be worth it in the end, eyes on the prize!! Have a great weekend.

P.S. Drink skinny bitches, vodka, water and lemon, super low in calories, refreshing and yummy, plus you gotta love the name.

Unknown said...

Oh Man!! I did this earlier this summer and bitched every minute...I always start to think that I like myself too much to torture my body like that ;) But, good work - I'm sure the results will be amazing!!

The Neo-Traditionalist said...

So I guess we're not meeting for drinks...? haha. I'm proud of you. You'll have a Biel bod in no time. xx

Stacie said...

Ugh, I feel your pain! I know how hard it is to shed pounds, I finally just finished losing my baby weight after having our third and it was SLOW and DIFFICULT, haha!

I am glad to hear that your trainer is honest about what you actually have to do to lose weight though, many will just tell you to keep at the exercise and not give you good info about diet. Can I suggest Keeping a food diary helped me enormously.

Good luck, I know you can do it!!

Lauren said...

hahah i feel your pain!!

but i think your post actually inspired me to work out HARD... so excited for you - it's been so long since i've gotten my xxx kicked in a gym. i miss it.

and jessica's body is definitely something to strive for!

Julie Holloway said...

Girl, I hear ya. I just signed up at a new health club...I am determined...but it is SO hard. Vent away.

Brooke @ Blueprint Bliss said...

jessica's body is hot!! wish i could work that hard and look like that!