Friday, August 6, 2010

pre fall pretty

will be on the hunt for a FAUX mongolian vest..these things are pricey....pls note the buttery yummy clogs..

lurve the military stretchies

i think i want this jacket just because its called the "Bee-keepers jacket"..thigh high boots do i dare go there this fall..? love them with a skirt!

lets face it...fall is here..(not really) but in Northern California it is.. i have been wearing wool sweaters and uggs i am ready for some new loveliness to my fall 'wardrobe'
what better pre-fall selection then these lovely looks from none other than calypso..

and this little handmade clutch with the beaded zipper so me!


Maggie May said...

Hi :) I saw your baby bib in Baby magazine and wanted to say .. yayy!!

rikshaw design said...

awe..thanks maggie !

rikshaw design said...

which mag?

benson said...

it's not a vest...although it could be tailored to be one I would think--check out my ebay listing--
I'm not trying to promote it :) just thought of you when I read the post...

Heather said...

I want to dress like that, very cool mongolian vest...hmmm? have to keep on the look out!
uggs and wool sweaters already! I am jealous.

Helena - A Diary of Lovely said...

not looking forward to fall but these are amazing!!