Thursday, March 22, 2012

spring thoughts

first day of spring is here!
love the change of seasons...its such a great time of year to cleanse your world, get outside, grow things, make things, see things..

Source: via Nik on Pinterest

great idea for easter table...patch of grass..grow it your self and top it off with yummy hyacinths!! where are my pretty blooming bulbs?..getting on that this week!

if i had the time to sew..i would make springtime wings for my nieces and myself !

Source: via Kelly on Pinterest

HOW cool a block printed looking or henna-looking egg! now this i can do when i am procrastinating at my desk

Source: via rikshawdesign on Pinterest

i got off the yoga wagon....embarrassed i hadn't been since OCTOBER! WHAAA? (please note- i did switch gears and did the trainer boot camp thing for awhile) anyway, i am feeling the yoga thing again..must be spring! i went to a class the other day and she was playing Hawaiian Music, and asking us to channel the islands & water..

is this another sign i should move there?


Ryland Witt said... there a guest house I could rent?