Tuesday, October 30, 2012

slouch time

found here

 i love these slouch pants..i think you have to wear them with heals or you will look odd..
what do you think?

i don't know why but i like it? for the holidays?

these are nice and i think i spy an elastic waist band...my best friend!

both found here


Andrea said...

I think I like the knit ones best (I have a pair myself), but mainly because my bubble butt won't fit in the other ones. Having a long torso and shorter legs (even though I'm tall) just makes me looks very out of proportion with the drastic dropped crotches. I think boyish, lanky types probably look best. But I've seen Beyonce blow that theory out of the water. That girl can wear anything despite her shape. Beyonce I am not.
Maybe the knit ones with a metallic sweater-something for holidays? Not sure. The waistband would make for good eatin' come Turkey Day!!