Monday, January 14, 2013

living room re-do

 so..i thought i could do it ...talking about decorating my house and merging stuff together but after multiple purchases that i thought would look good, it didn't work, and i was at a standstill.
so i hired an interior decorator! a great friend with a ton of style!! and boy it feels like things are under control and this room will get done.

these pics are a few of the inspiration snaps of furniture, details i like...need to mix modern and comfortable.

images 1-3 from here
image 4 from here


  1. I LOVE the painting in the first living room picture - do you have any idea what the source is?

  2. The photograph in the first living room is gorgeous! There is a Brazilian artist doing similar work.

  3. hello ladies, i am not sure who the photograph is done by...massimo vitali? the image is from Lonny Magazine.
