Tuesday, February 19, 2013

rikshaw trunk shows

its that time of year again, trunk show season! are you interested in hosting one? the dates are filling up, so contact us soon! email: info@rikshawdesign.com (subj: trunk show)

i know i have been off the radar, trying to get this site all updated and pretty for our big launch!!

ohh i went mattress shopping, thanks for all your suggestions! i practically fell asleep on the test mattress in the store by the time we got to the 3rd stop. still no decision yet, its crazy $$ so need to ponder some more!

check out one of our favorite lil rikshaw babe's , eeeek! she's scrumptious!


  1. So excited for the big launch! Is it getting closer?

  2. Tiffany ! your so cute! believe me if i could get it live tomorrow i would! its going to be very beginning of march! !hang in there!!
