Saturday, March 13, 2010


takin time today to smell the flowers..i have some lovely jasmine growing right by my front nice as you come in..and i get to go buy a bunch today too, tonight a friend is having a small dinner party, i asked..what can i bring? she said "do the table you love to do that" Sweet i love doing a pretty table. and i LOVE how my friend knows how to delegate to peoples strengths, as she asked my other girlfriend to do dessert..thats what i like-- everyone helping out for a yummy night of catching up and drinking up a ton of vino...


Le said...

What a great image ... just been browsing your shop - what a treat ! best le

Gwen Driscoll said...

I hope you have a great time tonight. So fun to have dinner with friends. My favorite thing to do is the pretty table too. Thank goodness my husband is a great cook. Happy Weekend.

The Neo-Traditionalist said...

Sounds like perfect. Could my readers be any more excited about your new stuff??? I wasn't sure what to say about the women's kurtas---so happy you stepped in : ) Congrats again on all your hard work lady! XXXXX

Chandan said...

Have fun and do post pictures of tables you have 'done' !

melissa davis said...

Oh, I wish my friends would ask me to do the table when they threw dinner parties- that's my favorite part too!!