Monday, February 16, 2009

jumbys favorite things

since we are the subject of my loveable labbie..i thought i would share my doggie favorite products with you..

recession..shmasession, i will always spoil my dog!
here are her favorite things:

waterproof adorable collars from my mascot, since jumby loves to roll in the sand at the beach or who knows what at the park.i love a waterproof hose it down collar! they have the cutest products ever!

the bowser doughnut bed, is her favorite especially after she lines up all her "friends" for a snuggle

at first jumby was a little embarrassed to be dressed up for the rain..but this fits great over her rolls and less for me to wipe down. the jacket has a polar fleece lining 

the harry barker No.2 bags are so great..why you ask..they are 100% biodegradable and compostible..many bags say they are but it would take a million years for them to biodegrade.

buddy wash in all its yummy smells like lavender and mint is extra sensitive for my girl

furminator, this gadget may be expensive, but it seriously does the trick with the video on the website its amazing how much loose hair it gets!

cute for your car..