Sunday, February 15, 2009

little miss popular

introducing jumby..she is my lovie, these are some favorites of her through the years..she is human, a fashionista, a diva, has so many friends, likes to be in the front seat with everyone else, loves a good cuddle or crawl under the covers, helps me with the dishes, always gives a present when you walk in the front door, loves a flirting chase with only certain dogs, a good swimmer after she has tested the water, doesn't like when i am on the computer or phone very long, and did i mention she plays full field soccer?....that face is all i gotta say..


Anonymous said...

My fave blog entry thus girlfriend! I can attest to the fact that she is seriously a person!! And, that slicker shot taken in my lovely backyard...Jumby's home away from home. What a love!!!