Sunday, January 31, 2010

sunday sentiments

image from here

the girls are whisking me away tomorrow for a day at a spa in Napa to get me all relaxed and rejuvenated for my birthday monday, (courtesy of my fabulous sis, who will be missed!)...i am not shy about telling people that its my birthday, and i so appreciate all the wonderful love in my life that knows this about me and want to make it extra special......i love you know who you are..

Saturday, January 30, 2010

dear jcrew,

i bought the destroyed jeans last season now you are offering repaired ones..this outfit is 100% me, love the blouse..
motivation...but i will say thank you for showing a girl with some curves..i know she is uber-skinny buti like to see a butt and boobs..
this is so elegant, she could walk into a party wearing that!
going to a wedding in charleston in april and i am thinking i should get this..thoughts?
head to toe..a cotton ruffle dress, love the layering and the cleo sandals!

dear jcrew,
sometimes i am looking for you to slip up..but you've done it again-- across all categories..
time to get the body in shape for all these looks!

Friday, January 29, 2010

handmade love

the lovely melody, who help rikshaw out with all her many talents..just posted up her wedding images..i graced you all with her honeymoon pictures awhile ago, if you want to drool here they are again..but seriously this wedding is so charming, handmade, and personal i get teary looking at all this happy for you melody!
enjoy..and head over to her blog to read about all the details, food and even a photo booth for all the guests to take pics!

fa la la friday

image by here

i am forced off of my computer for a period of time tomorrow and instead of working from my iphone..i am gonna do something productive=relaxing...its been a helluva week
enjoy your day my divine readers..

Thursday, January 28, 2010

l'elephante love

image here

if you are just joining here...i have a love for elephants and elephant related chic product....i will be taking the two above....wish they were real..
what do you think about my elephant logo..look in top corner as a tiny small tattoo..shhh don't mention it to my mom..

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

i heart my blogger friend, Liz

image by the fabulous stephanie rausser

i was getting annoyed with how small my pics were appearing and videos being cut off so after some guidance from Liz, at Pink Monkey..i figured it out and stretched it all out!!! don't you love seeing all these pretty pics in full detail! well i do..hope you like the mini much love in the blog world..

image found here

heavenly hermes

this is basically a re-post from Neo-Trad, (kate i couldn't resist!)
i have another of their ads-- with the elephant ..this one has out-done that one!
so much inspiration here!!plus a new way for my hair..
and she is princess and the pea

fresh spring pretty

images here

how springy and pretty is this necklace..i am gonna make some with rikshaw scraps...

this is me most days staring at nothing in the fridge,but she looks so fresh!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


image from here

in my yoga and as i was doing my downward dog, stretching out my hamstrings, glad i made it out in the pouring rain to this warm cozy incensed filled room, things were doing good, then all of a sudden.....another student behind me started HACKING up her lung..literally...every time she went upside down the coughing started and the teacher even said "wow" and she replied "i promise i am over the worst part"...thats when i almost chimed in with .."are you kidding me??!?! please leave --yes you..leave! there isn't enough purell in the world to keep those germs from getting to me" ...i even gave the instructor a disgusted face!
well none of that exchange happened, unfortunately ...but if you are one of THOSE (you know who you are)..that still goes to work, yoga, coffee shop when you still obviously are ill, please know that it is just gross..go crawl back under the sheets, we don't want to see you until you are healthy...ommmmmm now i feel better getting that off my chest!


lil diva, lil drama , lil devil

images from the amazing stephanie rausser

spring fling

i wasn't gonna start posting about springy wonderfulness because we are still stuck in rain.rain.rain. and the rest of the country is freezing..but i think a little spring delight is just what we need, something to look forward too..right?
all looks from here

these lady-like suits are perfect for the getaway, you need to be planning!

Monday, January 25, 2010

pretty as a peacock

peacocks are all the rage these days and i am all a flutter ....(must watch video at end)

gorgeous cuff from the boho mama, house of harlow found here

pretty peacock plate

seriously how chic peacock feathers in the hair for your wedding!

peacock statue, i would use as a door stop, found on this lovely blog

pink letterpressed peacock coasters found here

PIECE DE LA RESISTANCE!! MUST WATCH!!..i have to get a pug so soon..i just adore their spirit!
Sunday, January 24, 2010

sunday sentiments pt.2

image of lil drama here

so.. after killing a million ants, vacuuming, doing dishes, loads of laundry, 4 bags of clothes for goodwill, 1 bag of clothes for 'dress for success', gave jumby a pedicure(clipping her nails), changing the sheets even the headboard cvr, and finally cleaning out my hall closet..i was still having a HUGE case of the winter blues..and i was thinking i am such a sensitive girl..until a close friend sent me this article...kind of made me feel better to know that this was the reason....(however i know i will always be a sensitive girl)..

sunday sentiments

pretty image found here

coming out of a fog of sniffles and countless hours of house has fallen by the wayside- jumby's hair balls everywhere, dirty dishes piled up, desk a mess, files unfiled, ant issue with all this rain, dirty paw prints on the couch, hall closet has coats thrown in it, expired food in the fridge, laundry clean but unfolded in the basket..the list could go on and on, but i am afraid i have already disgusted many of you..once this caffeine kicks in I am going to spend my sunday DEEP cleaning. New week, hopefully not sick, a clean house will help me be clear for the adventures of the new week....have a happy sunday
Friday, January 22, 2010

dream a little dream

image here

i wish being sick in bed looked like this..

ohh bollocks!

well its friday..long week and long weekend in store for me..still sick with that darn cold everyone has..
this made me ccry with laughter i saw this report on this guy last night from England who talks in his sleep, and his wife records him and started a blog with his had me in stitches! literally some of the funniest stuff, they are adding audio soon to the blog, but in the meantime they have made up some of his quotes on shirts..its so good..his voice while he is sleeping is very ricky gervais..please share a laugh with me..this is what his wife wrote from the other night after listening to him

Jan 17 2010

"Cake. Mmmmm. I want one more piece. Just One. More. F*$&##. Piece."

"Look at me. Yes, you heard me, look at me. Don't stop."

"I want to be a cowboy. I don't want to be a panda. Pandas are boring, stupid and boring. Bad panda!"

"Jump. You can jump with goats. Boy does he jump high. They jump really high."

Thursday, January 21, 2010

oh canada!

image found here

rikshaw's website ships to canada now! we are in a few great boutiques there too, need to plan a trip..

lip crush

images from here

yes i do have a crush on scarlet and angelina's lips they are out of this world luscious!
Wednesday, January 20, 2010

sample sale update

image here

thanks to everyone who participated with the little sample sale experiment, it was a wonderful success! We shall do it again sometime, but at this time we are all SOLD OUT of samples...

do you ever just feel like a little girl?

image here

recently i have been face to face with some pretty practical "big girl decisions" and all i want to do is stick my fingers in my ears and skip away or throw on my 'walkman' and hang out in my room...i hate practical, thats why your here.

image here

blah blah blah...grown -ups

from india with love

on Tory's site, (we are on a first name basis ;) she put up images from her India trip.they are beautiful! and I was so happy we did many of the same things! I am slightly obsessed with the sandals in some of the shots..and lookie here they are on sale!

these next two are pretty fabulous as well..

amazing aussies

when i saw this store, Fenton&Fenton in Victoria Australia..not only is it total inspiration for if/when rikshaw opens a store..but i would like to move in as i need to buy a ticket to australia, they just do it right..SWOONING!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

cheat sheet

as part of the pioneer series they do acool cheat sheet on your top "stuff" here is part of mine but to see the entire sheet go to here!
love this!